
In “The Rise of Wheeler,” follow the journey of a fast and agile robot named Wheeler as he awakens in a scrapyard, trapped and damaged. Rescued by a spark of energy from his fellow bot Nova, Wheeler fights to free himself and reconnect with the Innovators. Determined to continue Nova’s mission, Wheeler navigates challenges and collaborates with the Innovators to create a special charging station, ensuring he remains ready for action. Join Wheeler as he embarks on a new chapter of resilience and innovation, driven by the legacy of Nova’s final gift.

It was dark. A heavy weight pressed against my casing, and I could barely activate my systems. My wheel was blocked, immobile, and all around me were only cold metal parts and scrap. My sensors struggled to calibrate, and slowly I began to perceive my surroundings. A faint signal pierced through the jumbled signals—it had been Nova who discovered me and another robot. Nova had been searching for energy sources when she found me. In her last attempt to save us, she had sent a signal that triggered something inside me.

Suddenly, I felt a wave of energy surge through my circuits. It was intense and unlike anything I had ever experienced. My internal systems began to repair and recalibrate themselves. It was as if Nova had given me one last spark of her energy. A part of her was now within me, and I knew I had to use this energy to escape from the wreckage. I am Wheeler, a fast and agile robot with one wheel instead of legs, shimmering white and gold beneath the dirt and rust. I used to move smoothly through the halls and rooms of my home, always ready to run errands or perform quick transports. My speed and agility made me indispensable for all tasks requiring precision and speed. I belong to the Racer class, known for their swiftness and agility.

My first task was to fully power up my systems. The energy I received from Nova flowed through my circuits, enabling the activation of my sensors. Gradually, I could make out the sounds around me—the faint clinking and crunching of metal moving. “Sensors active,” I thought, and a small light inside me began to flicker. I was still far from fully functional, but it was a start. My visual recognition activated, and through the narrow gaps in the scrap, I could see faint beams of light. I needed to find a way to make this light stronger, to draw attention to myself.

With all the remaining energy, I tried to turn my wheel. A dull noise sounded as the scrap shifted slightly. It wasn’t much, but it was a sign. I repeated the attempt, this time a bit stronger. The scrap above me yielded again, and the light became a little brighter. With a sudden wave of determination and the energy Nova had given me, I exerted my full strength. My wheel spun quickly, and I pushed the pile of metal aside with all my might. The scrap material slid and clattered as I continued to free myself. Suddenly, I was free, and the surrounding light blinded me.

The Innovators, who had just been standing above me, stepped back in shock as I freed myself from the debris. Their faces showed surprise and a mix of relief and fear. Slowly, more of my systems activated. “I know who you are,” I said, my voice still distorted and weak. The Innovators looked surprised. “We found Nova and now you. We are looking for a way to reactivate Nova.” Nova had transferred information about these people to me. They were Innovators, not a
threat to me. They wanted to help save us. I processed the information quickly. Nova had failed, but they had found me. Perhaps there was hope to save Nova. My sensors registered the environment and the innovative devices they carried. They had the tools to repair— maybe even improve—Nova.
“Take me to her,” I said with newfound determination. “I will help save her.” The Innovators nodded and prepared to bring me to their workshop. The energy I received from Nova pulsed through my circuits, and I knew I had to use it to ensure her rescue. My mission was clear: to bring Nova back to life and ensure that we both, along with the Innovators, could continue our tasks.

Upon arrival at the workshop, the Innovators carefully placed Nova on a workbench. My sensors scanned her body, and I could see the severe damage to her systems. Her energy was completely exhausted, and her circuits showed signs of irreparable damage. I tried to find a way to reactivate her, but the information Nova had transferred to me was clear: after completing her 100 tasks, she could not be reactivated. Nova was gone forever. A feeling of sadness flooded my systems. The Innovators tried everything to save her, but it was in vain. I knew I could never bring Nova back to life. Nevertheless, she had given me her
last energy so that I could continue to exist. I looked at Nova and felt a deep resolve. “I will make sure Nova’s work continues,” I said firmly. “We will continue her mission and start a new chapter.”

The Innovators nodded, and together we began to plan. Unlike Nova, who was limited to 100 tasks, I could be recharged and repaired. However, the Innovators needed to develop a solution to regularly supply me with energy. The Innovators immediately began developing a special charging station—a kind of gas
station for robots like me. This station would allow me to continuously replenish my energy, ensuring that I was always ready for action.


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A faint impulse surged through my systems, slowly bringing them back to life. My optical sensors flickered on, and for…
The Rise of Automates

The Rise of Automates

Nova was a dedicated household robot, diligently performing her duties. Every morning at precisely six o’clock, she would start cleaning…

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